by Compudata | Dec 28, 2022 | Blog, Tip of the Week
Bluetooth technology is one of the best ways to make the most of your Android device, but only if you know how to use it. Today, we wanted to provide a short overview of how you can use your Bluetooth technology with your Android device, as well as the importance of...
by Compudata | Dec 23, 2022 | Blog, Business
The four-day workweek has seen no shortage of support in recent years. In fact, there have been projects dedicated to testing it out to see if it has any legs as a concept. One recent, very wide-scale study has concluded that the four-day workweek is indeed quite...
by Compudata | Dec 21, 2022 | Blog, Technology
Last time we discussed search engines, we focused our efforts on Google. Now, we want to cover some of the other options you might go for, including Bing and DuckDuckGo. Naturally, they are two very different options, but they do have their purposes and uses in a...
by Compudata | Dec 19, 2022 | Blog, Technology
Most everyone uses a search engine, whether it’s Google or one of the others out there; although the statistics about whether or not you use Google are more than a little skewed in Google’s favor. Why is it such a popular tool, and what other options are out there for...
by Compudata | Dec 16, 2022 | Blog, Security
When you think of the rubber ducky, what memories flood your mind? The rubber ducky might be reminiscent of simpler times, but a new threat that is capable of launching malware payloads via USB stands to ruin these fond memories forever. What is the Rubber Ducky...
by Compudata | Dec 14, 2022 | Blog, Technology
You sometimes see in movies or television shows situations where someone wants to erase the contents of a computing device through the use of magnets, but how much truth is there really to this kind of thing? Today, we dive into just how much a magnet can damage a...
by Compudata | Dec 12, 2022 | Blog, Tip of the Week
You might sometimes receive email notifications from LinkedIn telling you that someone has looked at your profile, and that’s fine and all until you realize that LinkedIn is telling other people that you’re looking at their profiles. For some, this can seem like a...
by Compudata | Dec 9, 2022 | Blog, How to
While autocorrect has saved us all from embarrassing typos and other miscommunications countless times, it can prove to be just as confusing when it unexpectedly changes something we intentionally meant to type to something else. Let’s go over how to adjust what...
by Compudata | Dec 7, 2022 | Blog, Tip of the Week
Did you know that Google Drive gives you the ability to scan a picture or document to a PDF with your Android smartphone? All it takes is a couple of taps and you can get right to documenting your important documents in your Google Drive without storing your paper...
by Compudata | Dec 5, 2022 | Blog, Technology
Business is hard enough even without having to manage your technology. There are plenty of people to manage, tasks to organize, and operations to streamline. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can leverage technology to make a big difference in the way you focus...