While we may talk about computer viruses a lot, we wanted to change tack briefly and talk about the other kind--the kind that makes you sick, rather than your technology. With COVID-19 still plaguing the news, we felt that there was no time like the present to do so....
Tip of the Week: The Best Way to Cut Your IT Support Costs
In any business, IT-related expenses can be the most volatile, making them unpredictable and prone to swelling unexpectedly. As a result, many businesses are in a lose-lose situation: they can lose potential income by not keeping their essential solutions maintained...
Tip of the Week: Optimizing Remote Productivity
For many, the Coronavirus has kept them from their workplaces and offices as a precautionary measure to help limit the spread of infection. This has given many the opportunity to work from home for the time being, which can be just as effective as working in the...
Tip of the Week: Three Basic Access Control Considerations
While every aspect of your organization’s security is incredibly important to attend to, we wanted to take the time and delve into a particular aspect that many might take for granted: your digital access controls. Let’s go over a few tips and practices to ensure your...
Tip of the Week: Exploring the Windows 10 Notification Center
Notifications are almost ubiquitous in computing nowadays, which is what makes it so surprising that--until just a few years ago--Windows notifications were either nonexistent or (when Windows 8 rolled around) effectively unusable. Fortunately, Windows 10 solved this...
Tip of the Week: Try These Training Tactics!
Nowadays, efficiency is the name of the game and productivity is almost always in a business’ top priorities. For these goals to be met, your team needs to know what they are doing. This is precisely why it is so important for them to be trained properly. For this...
Tip of the Week: Ensuring Smartphones are an Office Tool
A smartphone can easily be a very powerful productivity tool, but if you aren’t careful, it can be an equally large distraction in the office. With the right tweaks, you can make one option more likely. Here, we’re sharing a few tips to help you make these tweaks and...
Tip of the Week: Activating Two-Step Verification on a Microsoft Account
Two-step authentication/verification has seen considerable popularity as a means of securing an account. To help you boost the protections surrounding your Microsoft account, we’re offering a few tips on how to use two-step verification, as Microsoft refers to it....
Tip of the Week: Best Practices for Better Business Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is one of those interesting technologies: On paper, it’s basically magic, but few things can send people into a rage faster than it not being available, or worse, not being good enough. Its capabilities have made it a great asset to the workplace, but you also...
Tip of the Week: 3 Time-Saving Windows 10 Tips
Now that Windows 7 is history, Windows 10 is the predominant operating system on workstations. It doesn’t take users long to realize that it is superior in many ways to older OSs, but when you start it up for the first time, you will want to customize things a bit so...