Tip of the Week: Sanitize Your Computer

While we may talk about computer viruses a lot, we wanted to change tack briefly and talk about the other kind--the kind that makes you sick, rather than your technology. With COVID-19 still plaguing the news, we felt that there was no time like the present to do so....

Tip of the Week: Try These Training Tactics!

Nowadays, efficiency is the name of the game and productivity is almost always in a business’ top priorities. For these goals to be met, your team needs to know what they are doing. This is precisely why it is so important for them to be trained properly. For this...

Tip of the Week: 3 Time-Saving Windows 10 Tips

Now that Windows 7 is history, Windows 10 is the predominant operating system on workstations. It doesn’t take users long to realize that it is superior in many ways to older OSs, but when you start it up for the first time, you will want to customize things a bit so...