Even if virtual private networking is not a household term, it is, if nothing else, seemingly a pretty straightforward concept. However, there are certain complications that can make it a little difficult to understand for some users. Take, for example, the fact that...
Your Business Can’t Sleep on Your Data Backup System
Whether we like it or not, there is a lot that can go wrong in business, much of which could prevent you from accessing your company’s data infrastructure. Let’s explore some of the different scenarios in which your business will be glad it has a data backup and...
Don’t Overcomplicate Your Business’ Technology Decisions
The desire to implement new technology for your business is born from the desire to solve some sort of problem, such as issues with productivity or operational inefficiencies. The end result should be progress and forward momentum that allows you to improve your...
Don’t Let Break-Fix Technology Maintenance Hold Your Business Back
When you think about technology maintenance, how often do you tend to address issues with your infrastructure? Do you wait for something to go wrong before addressing it? If so, you are going about technology maintenance all wrong. When you take this break-fix...
Tech Term: Firewall
Chances are, you’ve at least heard the term firewall before. A fairly recent term, it was first used as a computing term in the 1983 movie WarGames before it was ever introduced into mainstream computing. Thanks Matthew Broderick! Since then, the term has expanded and...
Strong New Options Make Video Conferencing an Essential Tool
The telephone may have once been the dominant form of communication for the office, but video conferencing has quickly overtaken it and become one of, if not the most popular ways for remote and hybrid workplaces to communicate. We think there is a certain value in...
Is the Android Experience on WIndows 11 Really Going to Work?
Android applications will be available on Windows 11, a concept that many users are looking forward to. However, there are quite a few terms and conditions that apply. How will this integration work, and can you expect it to be as neat as it sounds? Maybe… or maybe...
Here Are Some Types of Software Your Business Could Find Useful
Businesses use software throughout their day-to-day operations, but you might have different needs from, let’s say, the small business down the block from you. Even though all businesses have different necessities in terms of software, there are some solutions that...
Windows 8.1 Is Next Up to Be Retired
With the news that Windows 11 will be released sometime this year, many users are looking to implement new hardware that supports it. However, we want you users of Windows 8.1 to know that we have not forgotten about you; with Windows 8.1’s end-of-life event in 2023...
This One Easy Trick Can Secure Your Computer (Sort Of)
When it comes to network security, there are a lot of complex solutions that solve multi-faceted issues, some so mind-boggling in scope that it is simply overwhelming. Then there are the small-scale solutions that you can implement on a day-to-day basis that can make...