You want to make smart decisions for your business, but it’s not always so simple. Small businesses have a lot of options for their workstation needs, so what is the budget-minded company to do? Chromebooks offer a cost-effective way to get the computing equipment you...
A VoIP Business Telephone System Is Extremely Valuable
The traditional method of telephony may have been the standard for business communication for a long time, but it has since fallen out of favor compared to more modern, more flexible tools like Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP is an exceptionally useful tool that...
The 5 Important Features You Need in Your Video Conferencing Tool
Video conferencing has become commonplace over the past few years, even as people return to their offices in the downturn of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many organizations had their hand forced into finding solutions for remote workers and it turns out that video...
Are Hardwired or Wireless Connections Better?
Not long ago, connectivity required an actual, physical connection between two endpoints. As a result, a wired connection was the only option for businesses to access online materials and resources. Today, businesses have a choice to make: is a wired connection better...
The Features That Fuel Today’s Strongest Note-Taking Apps
For those of you who are serial note takers, one of the best tools you can have on your mobile device or PC is a note-taking app. Today, there are literally dozens of apps that push features and benefits for the average individual. Today, we will take a brief look at...
Modern Software Can Benefit Employee Collaboration
For numerous reasons, collaboration software has seen widespread adoption—and despite many workers transitioning back to office operations, this software has proven to hold its value. Let’s explore the features that collaboration software can provide to you and your...
Moore’s Law Has an Estimated End Date
Moore’s law has been prophetic, but nothing lasts forever. When Gordon Moore predicted that transistors inside of a dense integrated circuit would double every 18 months in 1965, it seemed like a very aggressive prediction. 57 years later, it has come to pass, with...
Future Technologies in Today’s Workplace
It’s fun to fantasize about the future of business, but what kind of technology can we realistically expect to make a difference in the way ordinary businesses function? Today, we hope to answer this question by examining three emerging technologies we think might...
Your Next Smartphone – The Foldables
While there are many major flagship devices out there, some of the other top-tier innovations might also be viable devices for your organization or for your personal use. Here are some of the more innovative devices on the smartphone market today. Samsung Galaxy Z...
3 Cybersecurity Tools You Need to Consider
Network security can be challenging for businesses, but it doesn’t have to be. By following some simple practices, you can level up your security measures considerably, without investing a ton of time, effort, or resources into it. Here are three ways you can improve...