Business telephone systems are just one part of a successful communications infrastructure, but they are an important part nonetheless. One way you can keep your telephone system from holding your business back is with a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution...
How Smart Gadgets Bring Benefits to Your Organization
Smart devices of all types are constantly being introduced to consumer markets. People are finding that some of these devices are making it much easier to track and manage their lives. When considering whether or not these smart gadgets are useful for your growing...
Which Search Engine Works Best? Part 2
Last time we discussed search engines, we focused our efforts on Google. Now, we want to cover some of the other options you might go for, including Bing and DuckDuckGo. Naturally, they are two very different options, but they do have their purposes and uses in a...
Which Search Engine Works Best? Part 1
Most everyone uses a search engine, whether it’s Google or one of the others out there; although the statistics about whether or not you use Google are more than a little skewed in Google’s favor. Why is it such a popular tool, and what other options are out there for...
No Matter How Strong Your Computer is, Magnets Are Not Their Friend
You sometimes see in movies or television shows situations where someone wants to erase the contents of a computing device through the use of magnets, but how much truth is there really to this kind of thing? Today, we dive into just how much a magnet can damage a...
Build Workforce Focus With These Strategies
Business is hard enough even without having to manage your technology. There are plenty of people to manage, tasks to organize, and operations to streamline. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can leverage technology to make a big difference in the way you focus...
What is the Digital Dollar, and What Potential Benefits Does it Bring?
Did you know that the United States has been pushing for the digitization of the dollar? There are certain benefits and detriments to doing so, but we wanted to go over some of them today so you can see how such a thing–digitization–might benefit your company. We’ll...
Discussing Routers and Basic Connectivity
Most modern businesses depend on wireless Internet connectivity (Wi-Fi) to a certain extent. Do you know what it means when we talk about the various speeds of routers, the data they can transfer, and so on? Today, we wanted to clear up some facts about dual-band...
Do You Know How Much Bandwidth You Need? Here’s How to Find Out
Small businesses depend on a reliable Internet connection to remain competitive, and without the appropriate bandwidth, staff productivity and communications can suffer. To keep your business from suffering from a lack of bandwidth, we recommend that you read today’s...
Manufacturing Technology is Taking Strides
Manufacturers have been one of the most notorious adopters of innovative technology, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. If the goal is to use technology to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency, then of course, manufacturers will look to...