Smartphones and tablets are a double-edged sword for businesses: on the one hand, they are a great money saver if an employee is willing to use their own for business purposes, but this does leave your business vulnerable in a few ways. Fortunately, if the benefits...
Marriott reveals data breach of 500 million Starwood guests
For 327 million people, Marriott says the guests' exposed information includes their names, phone numbers, email addresses, passport numbers, date of birth and arrival and departure information. For millions others, their credit card numbers and card...
Google Drive Offers More Shortcuts than a GPS
Google has an assortment of solutions available on the Internet. Chances are, your business uses some of them. However, they probably aren’t using them as efficiently as they could. Google’s online solutions have a huge assortment of shortcuts available for each....
3 Programs That Help Teach Software Development Skills
Even if coding isn’t your cup of tea, the knowledge of how to read it can be quite useful. Since the Internet is a thing with plentiful resources, there is no shortage of options for learning more about code. We’ll outline some of the best options for how to foster...
New privacy rules will force Canadian companies to disclose data breaches
New privacy rules designed to better safeguard the personal data of Canadians and let them know when it has been breached take effect November 1, 2018, but even security experts say they are far from perfect. The legislation, known as the Personal Information...
Google Maps Now Has Commuter-Friendly Features
Maps are one of those very basic technologies that are always improving, starting as lines scratched into the ground and now living in our phones and giving us exponentially larger amounts of data. One of the first examples you may think of is Google Maps, which just...
Tech Terminology: Cookies
Everyone loves cookies, but browser cookies take on a whole other definition in the computing environment. Do you know what browser cookies do, as well as what their purpose is? Today’s tech term is dedicated to cookies--they might not be delicious, but they do serve...
Tech Continues to Turn the Entertainment Industry on Its Head
Admit it; technology is changing the way you “consume” media. Who of us hasn’t binged a show on a streaming media service while simultaneously looking up the backstory of every character on the show? Today, people want to consume content the way they want, when they...
Windows Set to Launch Huge Update in October
Windows 10 might be one of the best Microsoft operating systems to come out in a while, but their latest policy regarding dominant Windows 10 updates is causing quite a stir in the technology industry. Specifically, the massive update coming up this October could...
OLED Displays Are Something Special
Displays are a huge selling point for many commercially available technologies. With the need for high definition capabilities now commonplace, many manufacturers have been looking to OLED technology. Today, we will take a look at the OLED display to give you an idea...