Foldable Screens Enter Smartphone Market

There have been whispers for years about manufacturers using flexible OLED (organic light-emitting diode) displays to create devices that were flexible enough to fold in half. As late as 2018, that’s all they were...whispers. In the subsequent year, to the surprise of...

Clarifying a Few IT Stereotypes

We’ve long accepted that, as an IT provider, there are a lot of stereotypes about what we can do and how we do it. Yet, just because we’ve accepted it, doesn’t mean we aren’t going to do anything about it. That’s why we wanted to use this blog post to clear up a few...

Should Your Business Be Looking to Chrome OS?

Chances are that you use the Chrome web browser, and we know that even if you don’t, you definitely use Google search. With all the exposure these applications bring Google, it is kind of strange that their operating system, Chrome OS, isn’t more popular. Today, we...

These 3 Technologies Never Took Off

Technology innovation continues to move rapidly. It seems that every few days that there is a major breakthrough with some type of IT or other computer-based technology that is seemingly going to change the world; or, at the very least improve humanity in some way....

Tip of the Week: Utilizing Laptops Is a Solid Strategy

Nowadays, it’s odder not to utilize technology in the office environment. This, if anything, only makes it more critical for you to embrace the proper technique that matches your office’s approach to the responsibilities and tasks of every day. For this week’s tip,...

Have You Adopted Messaging in Your Business Processes?

It has become more evident than ever: any business that wants to be successful needs to have the proper means of communication established. For many years, this meant utilizing email for business correspondence. Now, while email still has a valuable place in business...

Tip of the Week: How G Suite Can Benefit Your Business

When you’re trying to run a business, there are a few things that you will require of your technology solutions. However, finding a solution that fits the bill isn’t always the easiest thing to do independently. That’s why we’re dedicating this week’s tip to an...