Every business faces two crucial IT decisions: selecting the appropriate hardware for its operations and determining when it's time for a hardware upgrade. In today's landscape, there's a plethora of choices available to decision-makers that were previously...
Microsoft is at the Forefront of AI for Business
In computing, there is no bigger issue than the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). It is seen as fundamental to the future of modern computing. Many organizations have invested in the development of this technology, and as expected Microsoft has been one of...
Data Backup: Perhaps the Most Important Investment You’ll Make
Your business relies on data to function, and losing this information could be a death sentence for your business without a data backup in place. Today, we want to explore why data backup is such an effective and important part of a business continuity plan, as well...
Technology Can Improve Your Sales Processes
With technology, you can take just about any facet of running a business and make it more efficient, including your sales processes. Let’s look at some of the ways that businesses can utilize technology to give their sales teams a boost. Stay Connected Communication...
IT is the Future of Infrastructure
Technology has changed countless aspects of both everyday life and business operations. In today’s blog, we want to share one peculiar aspect of technology development that you might not have considered: infrastructure. How has IT allowed for greater delivery of...
Incorporating the IoT Can Help Your Business Save on Utilities
The IoT—the Internet of Things—has proven itself to be valuable to various industries in equally varied ways. This value comes from the increased insights into the business’ utilities and how cost controls can be implemented to improve the management thereof. Let’s...
Before You Implement New Technology, Consider These 4 Steps
When a business needs to improve processes, they might turn to technology as a means to solve specific operational challenges. However, the implementation of technology is only as effective as the technology is at resolving the aforementioned problem, and if it...
Success with BYOD Draws a Fine Line Between Security and Privacy
Running a business is expensive, no doubt about it, and one way that you can circumvent at least part of these expenses is by implementing a Bring Your Own Device strategy for your business. Not only can it save you money, it can also be more sustainable for the...
4 Reasons to Replace Your Current Point of Sale Systems
Point of Sale devices, or POS devices, are crucial for many businesses—particularly in the retail or customer service spaces. Like other industries and technologies, they have developed over time and are now massively important to the continued success of businesses....
Do You Know How (and Why) You Should Refresh Your Business’ Hardware?
Businesses rely on their hardware in order to maintain their operations. Perhaps obvious, but no less true for it. This makes it critical that you do everything you can to keep your hardware in fighting shape. Computer equipment doesn’t last forever. In turn, this...