Ransomware can be disastrous for any business that gets hit by it, but not always in the way that you might expect. It might threaten business continuity and compromise data security, but it can also directly impact the way that the public views your company. In fact,...
Understanding the Murky Nature of Shadow IT
Shadow IT—while it sounds like the title of some B-movie suspense thriller or airport gift shop novel, it’s a very serious business issue that can easily make its way into your operations. Let’s review what shadow IT is, and what can be done to minimize the threats...
Exploring the Benefit of a CISO
With cybercrime more prevalent than ever, the importance of keeping your business protected cannot be overstated. In fact, it is so important that there’s a C-suite level role dedicated to it: the Chief Information Security Officer—the CISO. While such a position is...
The Pen Test Identifies Security Concerns
Penetration testing is a term that you often hear about, but won’t really understand it unless it is completely explained to you. Well, you’re in luck because in today’s blog we will explain what penetration testing is and why it is important for data and network...
Scammers Don’t Affect the Prepared
Today’s business world is subject to countless scams and cybersecurity threats, and it’s your job to ensure that your company does not fall victim to these scams and con artists. How can you be sure that the many messages you receive on a regular basis are actually...
Hackers are Using Google Docs (and other Cloud Services) to Attack Users
There are many ways that hackers have attempted to subvert the advanced security precautions implemented by enterprises and small businesses alike, but some of the more recent and crafty ones include sending threats through seemingly legitimate sources, like social...
Ransomware Is a Disaster for Small Businesses
One of the most dangerous threats out there is ransomware, and for good reason. In many cases, the problems from ransomware can have far-reaching and devastating consequences for businesses, no matter which industry they operate in. Let’s take a look at why ransomware...
What Should You Do When Your Business Suffers a Data Breach?
Data breaches are a modern reality, and they’ll still be around in the new year. While it is obviously preferable for your business not to fall victim to one, that isn’t always something in your control. Therefore, it is better to have planned ahead, so that your...
To Spoil the Holiday, Krampus Has Turned to Cybercrime
The holiday season has a variety of famous key players, including the likes of Santa, Rudolph, and the rest of the North Pole crew. Each year, they use their magic to help spread goodwill and joy to all the nice children of the world… but did you know that they are...
Ransomware’s Extreme Profits Should Be a Cause for Concern for SMBs
There are many cybersecurity threats out there, but the one that has cemented itself in the minds of business owners in recent years is ransomware. Ransomware encrypts data on the victim’s devices, forcing them to pay a ransom for the decryption key. As you might...