When you picture cybercrime, what goes through your mind? Do you see a hacker in a dark hoodie sitting in the corner of a room with lines of code furiously buzzing across the computer screen? If so, we have some news for you; cybercrime is anything but this...
Federal government may make reporting cyberattacks mandatory
The federal government is looking at making it mandatory for Canadian businesses and organizations to report cyberattacks, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said Thursday. "It's an option that we're considering very carefully," Mendicino told members of the...
Enhancing Your Organization’s Email Security Is a Good Plan
Email plays a critical role in the communications infrastructure of any business, and therefore it is extremely important to shore up its defenses so hackers cannot take advantage of it as an outlet into your network. It’s true that most businesses don’t understand...
4 Network Security Statistics that May Surprise You
Cybersecurity has to be a priority for every business and one of the best ways that you can gain the perspective you need to make the right decisions is to look at the statistics. Today, there is more known about how hackers and scammers try to get around...
Ransomware Fatigue Doesn’t Stop It from Coming
Ransomware is one of the worst strains of malware that your business could encounter. It makes cyber-extortion possible and can be a big problem for any business that happens to come across it. You need to learn what ransomware is and how to protect your business from...
What in the World is Data Scraping?
Have you ever noticed how you might start to get unsolicited emails from various organizations asking you for your input or asking you to consider using one of their services? Chances are the culprit behind this action is data scraping. If used properly, scraping can...
Preparing for Tomorrow’s Cyberattacks, Today
The idea that cybersecurity will always be a major concern isn’t an extreme one. All one has to do is consider some of the threats we’re just starting to see now. Let’s take a few moments to consider what today’s threats might tell us about tomorrow’s. What Do Today’s...
The Value of Getting Professionals to Handle Your Cybersecurity
Adept (noun): someone who is a professional at a given task, possesses knowledge needed to be successful in completing said task. While this level of skill is important to cultivate in all aspects of business, it is perhaps most important where cybersecurity is...
IT Service Providers Can Do A Lot for Your Organization’s Physical Security
You can’t always plan for data security, especially if your business doesn’t have professionals on-hand who know the security ins and outs of your industry. The usual methods, like passwords, firewalls, antivirus, and so on, may work for a while, but they are far from...
3 Reasons Cybersecurity is Extremely Important
Today’s blog might seem a bit simple, and that’s because it is. Your network security is going to play a huge part in the operations and functionality of your business, whether you realize it or not. In fact, your network security might be the only thing keeping your...