For years now, cybersecurity experts have reiterated time and again that it was only a matter of time before smartphones would become a target for major cyberattacks like ransomware. The facts are that most people use smartphones and most of these devices aren’t...
What is Raspberry Robin? Today We Take a Look at the New Computer Worm
It always helps to be a little skeptical of any new USB drives appearing in the workplace, especially if you are security-minded. Distributing threats via USB drives is a common practice amongst hackers, and a new threat called Raspberry Robin has the potential to be...
Phishing Continues to be a Serious Security Issue
If there was a specific form of cyberattack that was responsible for a quarter of all data breaches, how seriously would you take it? Hopefully, pretty seriously, as this form of cyberattack exists. Phishing attacks, the infamous means of hacking an end user, remains...
Choosing the Right Security Tools Protects Your Business Assets
You invest in the things you care about, things like your business. You want to make sure that you are doing all that you can to protect it from harm. Let’s take a look at some of the approaches you might take to secure your business from threats, as well as what you...
The RSOCKS Botnet is Knocking Businesses’ Socks Off
Botnets, or massive numbers of connected devices all infected by the same malware, can be used in devastating attacks against networks, bringing down services of businesses, organizations, and governments alike. One such botnet was recently halted thanks to the...
Cybercriminals Can Throw a Wrench in Well-Laid Plans
Do you remember the good old days when you could go down to the store and purchase antivirus software that you installed off of a CD-ROM? It used to be the case that this would be enough, but if you think that’s going to cut it these days, think again. Businesses have...
Every Device on Your Network Is a Risk Factor
Most of us all work on laptops or desktops everyday. It’s pretty easy to assume that cybersecurity generally stops there. You’ve got your secure passwords, your antivirus, and that little icon on the bottom right telling you that you are secure—you should be good to...
A Penetration Test Can Reveal Your Network’s Weaknesses
How do you know what will happen if you become the target of a hacking attack? How will you respond, and how will your network hold up to the assault? These are questions that you need answers to, and perhaps the best way to get them is through what is called a...
What Kind of Data Does Ransomware Steal?
You know the term “ransomware.” It’s all over the news, and it’s because it’s a huge threat to all types of businesses, regardless of size or industry. If you want to protect your business’ future, you have to implement security measures that will allow you to not...
Proper Password Hygiene Needs to be Prioritized
One of the most critical parts of security used to be the password, and while it has fallen out of favor in recent years due to how easily they can be cracked, a good password can still go a long way toward keeping your accounts safe. Let’s go over some of the best...