What was the name of your first pet? What is your favorite TV show? What was your mother’s maiden name? Here’s the real question: what do you think questions like these are actually going to do to help secure your important accounts? The unfortunate truth of the...
You’ve Got to Be Careful to Avoid Online Payment Fraud
Cyberthreats are difficult enough when they aren’t trying to steal your hard-earned capital, and with digital payments making up about 41.8% of all payments made worldwide, you bet there are plenty of opportunities for fraud to occur. Let’s take a look at how you can...
How to Minimize the Vulnerabilities in Your IT Systems
The hard but honest truth is that every network has some level of vulnerability. Having said that, there are ways that you can reduce these vulnerabilities so that your business and its network are relatively safe. Let’s go over some of these methods now. Remember, if...
About a Fifth of Enterprise Windows Servers are Missing Endpoint Protections…How are Yours Doing?
It isn’t a secret that cybersecurity is critical for businesses today, at every level of their infrastructure. However, some recent data has been shared that very clearly outlines just how important visibility into your infrastructure really is. In case you hadn’t...
USB Drives are Too Big of a Risk for Your Business to Take
How often do you find random USB flash drives while you’re cleaning up your office? Even with cloud storage as common as it is, there are still times and places for USB drives, so it’s not uncommon to find them out and about. The problem, however, is that you don’t...
Hackers Are Finding Holes in Multi-Factor Authentication
We know we hype up multi-factor authentication, or MFA, quite a bit on this blog, and for good reason. When implemented correctly, it can be an effective deterrent for many cyberthreats out there. However, as they often do, hackers have found ways around MFA. Let’s...
What You Need to Know About Android Banking Malware
We don’t often talk about mobile malware, but that doesn’t make it any less scary! An Android banking malware called Sova has once again been making the rounds, this time complete with additional features that make it scarier than the last time. What can you do to...
Software Maintenance is Divided Between these Two Actions
You might see articles on the Internet discussing “patches” and “updates,” and you might even be forgiven for thinking that they are the same thing when they are, in fact, not. There is indeed a difference, and it’s a big one. Let’s talk about how you might think...
Artificially Intelligent Tools Can be Effective Against Malware
Malware is a common enough issue that it’s pretty well established in the public lexicon, and much more pertinently, the most dangerous malware has seen an increase of 86% year over year. Worse, this kind of malware is largely the variety that takes users by surprise…...
Does the Ransom Cause All the Financial Impacts of Ransomware?
Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, your business was infected with ransomware, and—despite our advice not to—you decided to pay the ransom. Once the money’s handed over, that’s the biggest cost that you might be subjected to, right? Not so fast. Ransomware has many...