When asked how one can prevent threats from attacking a business’ infrastructure, one of the first answers that we’d give is to ensure that all patches have been applied. Doing so will help to stop an attack from infecting your systems, if a patch has been...
An MSP’s Services Protect More than Digital Assets
When you think about your data security, what kind of solutions pop into mind? If you’re like many, you probably start thinking about passwords, firewalls, and antivirus, right? While these are all good things to have, you also have to consider the possibility that...
One Phish, Two Phish, The Grinch Who Didn’t Phish
An email’s important, that much is clear fact - but you need to stay safe from an email attack. There’s so many threats, and with attackers so busy how can you stop them all without getting dizzy? To answer this question, we look to one Who, who smartly saved...
Securing Your Google Account: The Unofficial Guide
If you use a computer today, there’s a fair chance that you have a Google account. The practicality that if offers with its comprehensive service offerings simply can’t be ignored. However, it is also important that a user’s, whether they utilize it for business or...
How to Keep Your Android Device Secure
Mobile devices - like smartphones, tablets, and the like - are expected to be used by 2.87 billion people by 2020. That’s a lot of devices, with a good portion of them contributing to business operations. Unfortunately, that’s also a lot of potential security issues...
Solid Network Security Requires Vigilance
Your business’ success relies in no small part on how secure you keep it, and to be protected, you need to know what threats are apt to target your business. Below are four of the biggest concerns that you need to be sure that your security implementations address....
Marriott reveals data breach of 500 million Starwood guests
For 327 million people, Marriott says the guests' exposed information includes their names, phone numbers, email addresses, passport numbers, date of birth and arrival and departure information. For millions others, their credit card numbers and card...
How to Keep Your Kids Safe from Devices (and Vice Versa)
It is no secret that kids these days have more access to technology than any generation before them. While this access can genuinely help to enrich their lives if leveraged properly, it can also have serious ramifications if it isn’t checked. Many apps that are...
Be Mindful of These Security Issues
With all the stories in the news about data breach after data breach, it’s easy to get the idea that the only threats to your organization are those that are trying to break in. This can be a dangerous oversight--one that could cost your business’ future. If you...
New privacy rules will force Canadian companies to disclose data breaches
New privacy rules designed to better safeguard the personal data of Canadians and let them know when it has been breached take effect November 1, 2018, but even security experts say they are far from perfect. The legislation, known as the Personal Information...