Updating the Latest Major Data Breaches

A lot has been made recently about cybersecurity, and for many people it has caused them to alter the way they go about doing things. With more people more cognizant of their individual data privacy, and how to combat phishing and other social engineering attempts,...

Fighting Fire with Fire: Automating Cybersecurity

When it comes to cybersecurity, automation can benefit many of your processes and protections. Let’s review how automation can be used to protect your business, and by extension, your livelihood. One of the major cybersecurity concerns of today is how attacks are now...

Understanding the Motives of Hackers

The term “hacker” has firmly become a part of the public lexicon, thanks largely in part to pop culture and its liberal use of the term. However, the use of the term so frequently has effectively diluted its meaning to “someone good with computers.” In order to keep...

Are You Properly Securing Your Server Room?

Your servers are critical to the successful performance of your business’ technology. As a result, it is important that you do everything you can to keep them secured. Here, we’ve assembled some basic security practices to start you off. Permission-Based Access...

Phishing is a Major Threat

Fishing - a jerk on one end of a line waiting for a jerk on the other end.Phishing - very similar to fishing, but much more consequential. While the word phishing is humorous and relatable due to it being derived from the word “fishing”, the consequences of falling...

Woodstock Ontario city targeted by ransomware

First published September 23, 2019, The City of Woodstock and the Woodstock Police Service are both suffering cyber attacks. Woodstock’s top administrator, David Creery, confirmed the city had a network breach early Saturday, September 21 around 4 a.m. when a virus...

Watch Out for the One Percent

Do you know the phrase, “Locks only keep out the honest?” The idea is that even though you lock your doors, there is only a thin layer of glass and good intentions stopping a criminal from entering your home through a window. Cybersecurity is a lot like that, and...