For the small, but growing business, there are a lot of risks that could potentially harm their ability to stay in business. One of those risks comes in the form of cybercrime. Over the past several years, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have improved the...
What You Need to Know About the Different Types of Phishing Attacks
If there is one kind of online scam that people need to be more cognizant about, it would be phishing—where a scammer tries to hack the user instead of the computer, tricking them into sharing sensitive information. Phishing can come in enough forms that it has...
Why State-Sponsored Cyberattacks are a Really Big Concern
When most of us think of cybercrime, we’re thinking about a lone hacker in a dimly lit room—or, at most, a few hackers hunched over their computers in a dimly lit room. However, to remain restricted to this impression would be inaccurate—particularly when you consider...
What Are the Differences Between Compliance and Security?
Most businesses fall under some type of regulation that demands compliance. This will be especially true as data privacy concerns turn into further regulations. Most of today’s compliance standards are centered around data security, so you’d figure that if a company...
Determining the Most Effective Ways to Come Up with Secure Passwords
Passwords are a crucial element of your online security in terms of keeping threats from being able to access your accounts and resources. Unfortunately, for fear of accidentally locking themselves out of their accounts, many users have gotten into the unfortunate...
How the Democratic Republic of Congo Provided a Security Case Study
Preserving cybersecurity requires the person responsible for doing so to consider every component and connection associated with their technology, down to the smallest minutiae. Let’s consider a sizable example that comes from a narrowly avoided disaster in the...
Privacy and Security Are Major Considerations When Choosing Messaging Apps
While many people seem to have little problem sharing their data with social media platforms, there is definite pushback against sharing the personal data generated by a messaging platform. This can be witnessed in WhatsApp, the cross-platform messaging application...
A Brief Guide to Help You Avoid Malicious Browser Extensions
There are dozens of Internet browsers on the market. They are typically all free and when they come stock, are pretty much all the same. Most of the most popular ones come with an app store where users can download useful apps to make their experience better....
It’s a Good Time to Update Your Microsoft Password
It’s 2021! We made it! A lot of us look at a new year as an opportunity to greatly improve our lives. Maybe your resolution is to hit the gym regularly or commit to fewer processed foods—regardless, there are endeavours that take serious commitment, and others...
Play It Safe and Update Your Google Password Today
When was the last time you intentionally and systematically changed your passwords? It’s a good practice, even though it can be a huge pain. For many of us, Google is a huge central hub that is tied to a lot of our data. With all of the cybersecurity issues and data...