These days, with bandwidth rising substantially, most businesses have to have a robust and secure wireless connection to support all the devices that are in need of connection. This opens up a lot of questions on how best to go about doing this. Today, we will discuss...
How to Make Autocorrect Less Ducking Annoying
While autocorrect has saved us all from embarrassing typos and other miscommunications countless times, it can prove to be just as confusing when it unexpectedly changes something we intentionally meant to type to something else. Let’s go over how to adjust what...
EFT & Wire Fraud Scams are on the Rise: Tips to Reduce Your Risk
What is EFT & Wire transfer fraud? EFT and Wire transfer fraud occurs when company employees are deceived by fraudsters to send money to a bank account controlled by scam artists. Cybercriminals typically will use phishing emails to gain insight or access into...
Here’s How to Set Your Homepage in Chrome
What’s your favorite website, or the one you use most frequently? You can set this website as your Homepage to quickly access it using the Home button in the Google Chrome window. You could also just use a bookmark, but rather than sifting through your list of...
How to Keep Your Device’s Battery in Good Health
Everyone has been in a situation when their mobile device’s battery is too low for comfort, but if you know the right tips, you can prolong your battery’s life well beyond what you might expect. Let’s go over some of these methods. Five Ways You Can Improve Your...
How to Spot (and Fix) a Network Bottleneck
Sometimes your network will get bogged down for apparently no reason. Well, we hate to break it to you, but there is almost sure to be a reason, one of which could be a network bottleneck. A network bottleneck could very well harm your network to the point where...
Tip of the Week: Learn How to Map a Network Drive to Create a Shared Network
Many businesses rely on the concept of a shared network, where all computers have access to centralized folders and drives so documents can be accessed by everyone. While it is likely that your IT department has already taken care of the nitty-gritty details of this,...
Internet Images, Part 2: Resizing Images
In part one of this tutorial we discussed the types of images you will encounter online and how they can be used. Today, we will go a little bit further and talk about how to best alter your images without sacrificing quality. Let’s dive right into it. We will be...
Internet Images, Part 1: Image Formats
They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. If that is true (or even close to true), images can do a lot for what you are trying to accomplish online. We thought it would be useful to put together a little tutorial about the use of images online and provide some useful...
An Introduction to Working With Google Drive
In the nearly ten years it has been available, Google Drive has firmly established itself as one of the best cloud platforms for businesses to use. In case you’re just getting started with it, we’ve put together a cheat sheet to help you out with a few processes....