Tip of the Week: How to Keep Control of Your Cloud

We always recommend cloud platforms to our clients, especially those who need a central place to host important data and applications. However, it is possible to go too far when implementing cloud services. We’ll discuss how you can monitor your cloud computing costs,...

The Cloud Isn’t Necessarily Safe

The Cloud. That big, vague entity where a lot of us our entrusting our information has lifted a huge burden off of businesses by alleviating the need for expensive onsite hardware. It makes user management a little more user friendly. It keeps us connected and in...

Managing Your Cloud Costs

Cloud computing has taken the business world by storm. It wasn’t so long ago that businesses had to pay in-house technicians good money to design, research, and purchase all the hardware needed to run an onsite server. This is an expensive endeavour, and for a small...

Many Businesses Are Moving to a Hybrid System

Cloud computing provides many benefits for many businesses due to its constant availability, pricing structure, and its penchant for being the most easily scalable computing platform. It offers a lot of options that can help an organization control its computing costs...

Why Cloud Computing is Today’s Standard

These days, it seems that everything is migrating to the cloud. This approach has a lot of benefits, especially for businesses that use these solutions on a regular basis. Let’s explore a few reasons why cloud computing has proven to be so beneficial. Understanding...

Migrating To the Cloud? Avoid These Problems

With cloud computing being utilized by a majority of businesses nowadays, it’s not as big of a surprise when one wants to move files from a locally-hosted server to a cloud server; or, from a cloud server to a new cloud server. This presents a fair amount of problems...

Tip of the Week: Outlook 2016 Can Do More than You Think

Email is one of the most common productivity tools in any office. It can also be one of the easiest to become disorganized. However, users of Microsoft Outlook 2016 will find that the program provides plenty of useful tools to ensure that your communications don’t get...