While the cloud has long been touted as a cost-effective catch-all for a business’s needs, it needs to be said that this isn’t always the reality…specifically, the cost-effective part. Some circumstances can lead to the cost of the cloud being too expensive for a...
The Right Cloud Options Go a Long Way for SMBs
The cloud allows businesses to improve flexibility and scalability in previously unheard-of ways. Today, we want to explore what the cloud can enable for small businesses, as well as the best options to get the most out of your solution. Software as a Service With...
Cloud Computing is Driving Small Business
Nearly every business can use cloud computing to cut costs and get the resources they need to reach their goals. This includes processing, storage, and applications deployment. Since small businesses don’t have the available capital that larger organizations do,...
How to Overpower Your Business with Technology
Today’s business relies on their technology to the point that even an extremely small business continuously needs more computing. Well, as business software, cybersecurity tools, and cloud resources get more reliable, it isn’t as hard for small businesses to get the...
3 Major Benefits of Software as a Service
Your business runs on software, whether it’s hosted on your office’s internal network or in the cloud. However, it turns out that there are several benefits to considering the cloud-based model using cloud-hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings. Your...
Why the Cloud Makes a Good Business Investment
Businesses have been taking advantage of the cloud for some time now, and nine out of ten businesses operating today are using the cloud’s capabilities in some way or another. We feel confident enough to say that the future will certainly involve cloud hosting. Let’s...
Here are a Few Questions to Ask about Moving to the Cloud
When it comes to the cloud, your business is going to have to make some choices. There are several different types of options, all of which might suit your organization depending on its specific needs. To help you make the best decision possible, we have put together...
Cloud Computing Has an Option That Will Work for Your Business
With the cloud gaining so much traction in recent years, you might begin to wonder if the cloud is an appropriate next step for your business to take. Well, today, we might just have your answer, and it’s one that you probably have already guessed at. Yes, the cloud...
The Many Benefits of Document Management
Every business has a lot of documents that they need to keep in perpetuity. They also choose to keep many that they may not need, just so they have the information to serve their customers better. Traditionally, this meant manila file folders with a bunch of papers...
How to Figure Out How Much Your Cloud Costs Will Be
The cloud is undeniably a useful approach to technology, for reasons ranging from its accessibility to its scalability to its purported cost efficacy. Why purported? Well, there are hidden costs that can very well impact whether or not the cloud is your best option....