Defining Endpoints and How to Secure Them

The average business has countless endpoints accessing their infrastructure’s data at any given point throughout the workday. Think about it; just how many devices have access to your business’ data infrastructure? Do you know the answer? If not, then perhaps you...

Lawyers Can Really Benefit from Technology

Attorneys have a very specific job. They are facilitators, and require that they have access to information and the latest tools to be as efficient as possible. Not only does this allow them to make more money and honor more responsibilities, it helps them to provide...

Three Accessible Tools Enterprises Rely On

To the layperson, a business is a business is a business. From your customers to your employees, they don’t always view businesses on a sliding scale. For the enterprise business, this is an advantage, since most digital tools are developed with the B2B enterprise...

Can I Check Up on My Team Through Their Webcams?

One of the biggest pain points that companies have to consider for remote workers is how productive they are actually being with their time. To solve this dilemma, some employers are opting to use the webcams installed on their employees’ devices to keep tabs on them....