Nearly every business can use cloud computing to cut costs and get the resources they need to reach their goals. This includes processing, storage, and applications deployment. Since small businesses don’t have the available capital that larger organizations do,...
Two Actions You Can Take to Protect Your Data
A network breach is one of the scariest situations a business owner can encounter. It can rock the foundation of your business to its core, especially if the unauthorized access results in a data breach. There are a lot of things that a business can do to build...
Want a Better Relationship with Your Employees? Start Here
The relationship you have with your employees sets the pace for not only the kind of company you want to run, but also the kind of employer you want to be. Many employers fall short when it comes to managing their employees in ways that are respectful and beneficial...
Tip of the Week: Leverage Android “Activities” for More Effective Shortcuts
If your Android devices look anything like ours, they probably have several applications on them which make navigating the app pages a bit tedious at best. You can make navigating your various applications much less of a pain if you make shortcuts on your home screens...
Don’t Fall for These 3 Browser Security Myths
The world of network security is vast and complicated, even without all of the misinformation out there about how to keep your business safe and your accounts secure. One particular facet of network security misinformation comes in the form of web browsers, or rather,...
This One Simple Trick Can Make Your Out-of-Office Messages That Much Better
If you take vacations or are going to be out of the office for any specified amount of time, then it helps to set an out-of-office message so that your coworkers and clients know that you’ll be away. You can make them more effective, however, with a couple of simple...
Most Employees Are Open to Digital Monitoring (Under the Right Circumstances)
If you asked your workers to provide their feedback on digital monitoring, do you think they would be in favor of it or against it? A survey indicates that perhaps digital monitoring is not the controversial topic it was once considered in the workplace, at least to a...
How Will IoT Trends Shape Technology’s Growth?
The Internet of Things, or IoT, is one aspect of technology that has continued to grow and foster innovation over the past several years. These devices are being integrated into our technology-driven society in previously unimaginable ways, and that includes your...
Have an Old Gmail Account? Log Into It Before It Disappears Forever
Many individuals might have old Google accounts from years ago that haven’t been used in a long time, whether they were simply replaced by newer accounts or simply forgotten about. These accounts can actually be a security challenge and can create more problems than...
How to Use Departmental Mission Statements to Drive Your IT Practices
The mission statement is an important part of any business which guides its practices, but it doesn’t have to do so at a macro level. You can implement mission statements for your various departments, including your IT department. Let’s go over how you can craft the...