Not long ago, connectivity required an actual, physical connection between two endpoints. As a result, a wired connection was the only option for businesses to access online materials and resources. Today, businesses have a choice to make: is a wired connection better...
Your Business Needs to be Preparing for Disasters of All Types
There are a lot of things that can cause a disaster for your business. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that human error is the most prevalent cause for a business disaster. Not a flood, not a fire, not a global pandemic, but someone making a mistake, doing...
4 Network Security Statistics that May Surprise You
Cybersecurity has to be a priority for every business and one of the best ways that you can gain the perspective you need to make the right decisions is to look at the statistics. Today, there is more known about how hackers and scammers try to get around...
Tip of the Week: Efficiently Using Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is a wonderful collection of tools that any business can get value out of, and it’s so popular that it makes up almost half of the office productivity software market. We thought we would share some tips that will help you get even more value out of...
Ransomware Fatigue Doesn’t Stop It from Coming
Ransomware is one of the worst strains of malware that your business could encounter. It makes cyber-extortion possible and can be a big problem for any business that happens to come across it. You need to learn what ransomware is and how to protect your business from...
The Features That Fuel Today’s Strongest Note-Taking Apps
For those of you who are serial note takers, one of the best tools you can have on your mobile device or PC is a note-taking app. Today, there are literally dozens of apps that push features and benefits for the average individual. Today, we will take a brief look at...
Today’s IT Facts Were Inspired by Fictional Technology
When the minds that gave birth to classic science fiction technology first introduced it to the world, there was no way they could have seen a future where their ideas could be considered a reality. However, the ideas introduced in pop culture have inspired the brains...
How to Figure Out How Much Your Cloud Costs Will Be
The cloud is undeniably a useful approach to technology, for reasons ranging from its accessibility to its scalability to its purported cost efficacy. Why purported? Well, there are hidden costs that can very well impact whether or not the cloud is your best option....
Is the Representation of Hollywood Hackers Accurate?
Technology is so commonplace in today’s society that it’s often portrayed in unrealistic ways, especially in entertainment. Hackers, for example, don’t exist in the same sense that they do in the entertainment industry. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest...
Tip of the Week: How to Adjust Your Font Size on Your Smartphone
It’s only too common that, even as the screens on our mobile devices increase in size, the text displayed on them can be difficult to read. Fortunately, there is a way to fix this. Let’s go over the process involved in changing the size of the text your smartphone...