Are Hardwired or Wireless Connections Better?

Not long ago, connectivity required an actual, physical connection between two endpoints. As a result, a wired connection was the only option for businesses to access online materials and resources. Today, businesses have a choice to make: is a wired connection better...

Ransomware Fatigue Doesn’t Stop It from Coming

Ransomware is one of the worst strains of malware that your business could encounter. It makes cyber-extortion possible and can be a big problem for any business that happens to come across it. You need to learn what ransomware is and how to protect your business from...

How to Figure Out How Much Your Cloud Costs Will Be

The cloud is undeniably a useful approach to technology, for reasons ranging from its accessibility to its scalability to its purported cost efficacy. Why purported? Well, there are hidden costs that can very well impact whether or not the cloud is your best option....