Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, your business was infected with ransomware, and—despite our advice not to—you decided to pay the ransom. Once the money’s handed over, that’s the biggest cost that you might be subjected to, right? Not so fast. Ransomware has many...
Reach Outside Your Comfort Zone to Move Your Business Forward
Running a business can be stressful, especially if you are a smaller organization or a startup just champing at the bit to grow and become as successful as you know you can be. Unfortunately, as you move through your day-to-day duties and responsibilities, you’re...
The Emergence of Mobile Ransomware is Scary
For years now, cybersecurity experts have reiterated time and again that it was only a matter of time before smartphones would become a target for major cyberattacks like ransomware. The facts are that most people use smartphones and most of these devices aren’t...
How Long a Laptop Should Last (and How to Tell When to Replace It)
The laptop is one of the most useful innovations in modern computing—not only is it capable of accomplishing most (if not all) modern workplace tasks, it does so while offering the portability that today’s mobile operations require. However, these productivity...
What is Raspberry Robin? Today We Take a Look at the New Computer Worm
It always helps to be a little skeptical of any new USB drives appearing in the workplace, especially if you are security-minded. Distributing threats via USB drives is a common practice amongst hackers, and a new threat called Raspberry Robin has the potential to be...
Advanced Collaboration Can Significantly Speed Up Business
By now most people that work in business understand the demands and merits of our collaborative efforts. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle to get everyone on the same page and it hinders organizational productivity to a point where it can really negatively...
Don’t Let a Disaster Ruin Your Business
We have all heard about disaster scenarios in which offices are struck by terrifying threats that put the organization on life support. However, the most devastating disasters don’t necessarily have to destroy your business’ office to really do measurable harm to your...
Phishing Continues to be a Serious Security Issue
If there was a specific form of cyberattack that was responsible for a quarter of all data breaches, how seriously would you take it? Hopefully, pretty seriously, as this form of cyberattack exists. Phishing attacks, the infamous means of hacking an end user, remains...
Control Your Exposure to Downtime with Managed IT Services
Your business has different technology needs from others, and it’s your responsibility to ensure that you are strategically implementing technology to benefit your organization’s needs, strengths, and most important of all, your budget. It can be challenging to get...
Basic IT Maintenance Can Solve a Lot of Headaches
When it comes to your business’ technology, a lot can go wrong if you don’t take the time to… well, take care of it. The best way to ensure that your technology remains in proper working order is to keep up with basic maintenance. We realize that this can be a...