Does Your Business Have a Sufficient Backup Plan?

Is your business prepared for any disasters that come its way? If you haven’t considered which threats could cause your operations the most trouble, you need to devise a strategy that takes all possibilities into account. Here, we’ll help guide you through these...

Tip of the Week: Create Useful Email Subjects

If you’ve ever received an email without a subject line, chances are you’ve never felt inclined to open it as soon as possible. The email subject line is critical to capturing the user’s attention, as it helps to ensure they understand what they can expect from the...

How Good IT Makes It Seem Like You Don’t Need It

As a business owner, I’m sure you’ve reviewed your business expenses… but have you ever gone through them and wondered just what it was that you had spent your money on? It’s an understandable feeling to have. The many different IT expenses that show up on the...

Tip of the Week: Don’t Get Faced by FaceTime

Sometimes threats come from the most unlikely places. One such threat came in the form of Apple’s FaceTime app, which gives users the ability to spy on others without their consent through group FaceTime calls. Even though a patch has been issued that solves the...