Cut Printing Costs by Digitizing Your Files

Many businesses will be looking to cut costs as the COVID-19 crisis heads into its second full month in the east. One way that businesses can cut a few dollars off the budget is to finally phase out their wasteful printing practices and adopt a more streamlined...

Why a Routine Approach to Work is a Good Thing

When it comes to business efficiency, setting up a fixed process can have significant benefits, which helps explain why many tend to naturally fall into a routine in the workplace. This applies doubly so when working from home too. Let’s go over why routines can be so...

Redundancy is Everything in a Disaster

We are used to hearing “redundant” used as a non-complimentary term, so it can be off-putting to hear how you want to make sure that your backups are redundant in case of a disaster. With March 31st being World Backup Day we want to talk about how important redundancy...

Data Recovery Isn’t Just for Disasters

While the name “data recovery solution” might seem to explain everything there is to know about that particular piece of a business’ infrastructure, many organizations may underestimate just how useful this particular component can be. Here, we plan to fix that. Here...

Make Work a Game with Gamification

Finding ways to maximize productivity is typically high on a business owner’s to-do list. The problem is that often managers can’t find a way to effectively motivate their people into doing more. One proven way to get more out of your staff is to gamify their tasks....