by Compudata | May 5, 2023 | Blog, Technology
While software is always trying to become more user-friendly, modern technology is still very complicated, and if you don’t know how to take care of it and use it, you’ll quickly fall behind your competitors, or put your business at risk. Modern Technology is...
by Compudata | May 3, 2023 | Blog, Business
Some of you might remember Google+, Google’s earnest attempt at creating a social media platform. It was but an attempt, however, and it eventually became defunct. The last remaining shred of Google+’s legacy, which lived on in the Currents service, is slated for...
by Compudata | May 1, 2023 | Blog, Security
The irritating thing about security is that you can implement the best solutions on the market and still find yourself lacking due to one thing: your employees’ actions. If your team isn’t trained to protect your network, then they are adding more opportunities for...
by Compudata | Apr 28, 2023 | Blog, Business
Many businesses, having adopted remote work as a normal part of their operations, have found it to be a benefit to their goals. That being said, remote collaboration does come with its own challenges. Let’s discuss some of them, as well as how they can and should be...
by Compudata | Apr 26, 2023 | Blog, Business
The past couple weeks have been dedicated to productivity on this blog, as well as how you can get more of it, so today we wanted to go over some of the impediments to productivity that you’ll have to watch out for. We’ll also cover how you can overcome them so that...