by Compudata | Jul 3, 2023 | Blog, Cloud
Nearly every business can use cloud computing to cut costs and get the resources they need to reach their goals. This includes processing, storage, and applications deployment. Since small businesses don’t have the available capital that larger organizations do,...
by Compudata | Jun 30, 2023 | Blog, Security
A network breach is one of the scariest situations a business owner can encounter. It can rock the foundation of your business to its core, especially if the unauthorized access results in a data breach. There are a lot of things that a business can do to build...
by Compudata | Jun 28, 2023 | Blog, Tip of the Week
The relationship you have with your employees sets the pace for not only the kind of company you want to run, but also the kind of employer you want to be. Many employers fall short when it comes to managing their employees in ways that are respectful and beneficial...
by Compudata | Jun 26, 2023 | Blog, Tip of the Week
If your Android devices look anything like ours, they probably have several applications on them which make navigating the app pages a bit tedious at best. You can make navigating your various applications much less of a pain if you make shortcuts on your home screens...
by Compudata | Jun 23, 2023 | Blog, Technology
The world of network security is vast and complicated, even without all of the misinformation out there about how to keep your business safe and your accounts secure. One particular facet of network security misinformation comes in the form of web browsers, or rather,...